Doug’s Maps is a phone/tablet app with offline topographic maps of New Zealand and Cook Islands and cadastral (property) maps of New Zealand. Maps are constructed from data supplied by LINZ and DOC plus some extra track data supplied by private back country users. Maps show all official LINZ map data, DOC boundaries and some “unofficial” walking tracks.
The app is targeted at outdoor and back country users – trampers, hunters, mountain climbers, fishermen, city environs track walkers, foot based pest control, DOC workers, search and rescue, back country workers generally.
The app includes the ability to add point and track features to the maps via a builtin database to which users can add text information that can be communicated to others via GPX files. There are numerous app methods to manage and add such user features.
The app also implements navigation functionality for “on foot” users including voice navigation if required.
There are two versions of the app:
Android phones and tablets with Android 8 or later.
iPhone phones and tablets with IOS 16.1 or later (device list).
Select below to go to the relevant app store.
Android app: Doug’s Maps for Android |
iPhone app: Doug’s Maps for iPhone |
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- Getting Started with Android
- Getting started with iPhone
- Android page list
- iPhone page list
Summary of features
High resolution New Zealand Topographic and Property mapping
Latest complete New Zealand 1:50,000 topographic maps, New Zealand 1:20,000 cadastral (property) maps and Cook Islands topographic maps.
NZ topo maps show DOC boundaries with name of relevant area.
Easy to use GPS functionality.
Print maps to networked printer or pdf file.
No advertisements.
Download complete offline maps after installation of app (no additional cost). No internet or cellular connection needed after that.
Vector maps are displayed on the fly from a database of map features. These maps scale nicely, are clear at any resolution and contain multiple layers of feature names appropriately sized to the displayed resolution. They rotate nicely and names flip to a readable orientation. Map databases are based on up to date official data obtained from Land Information New Zealand and the Department of Conservation. The topographic maps are rendered with colours similar to traditional topographic maps. The property maps are rendered with custom colors. The property map shows public property in the green / blue areas (Conservation or local body) and yellow areas (public roads). You can easily see if you are currently on private or public land.
Most other mapping apps use raster data but our map data is more compact than raster data:
Topographic maps: 1.2 GB
Cadastral maps: 0.5 GB
Main map functions – all available offline:
- Print maps on network printer.
- Turn on GPS logging with a simple menu touch.
- When the GPS is on see where you are on the map
- Drop a waypoint at your GPS location with a simple menu touch
- Search for a pre-loaded waypoint or track log
- Offline search for place name
- Offline search for street address
- Offline search for road intersection
- Search by map coordinates. Can use NZTM or old NZMG projections including 6 or 8 digit short coordinates and map reference if necessary. Or lat/long.
- Make a waypoint based on the above searches
- Create Goto line from current location to specified target to assist GPS navigation
- Optional voice navigation of user defined route or Goto line
- Proximity user waypoints with voice announcement.
User features (tracks and way points) can be added to the maps on the fly or by upload. Plan a route in the field with simple drawing tools.
Main user feature functions:
- Tracks and waypoints can be imported from GPX files
- Store as many user features as you like in the user feature database.
- Waypoint created on the fly via press and hold context menu.
- Move waypoint as required.
- Track created on the fly via press and hold context menu and simple track drawing tools.
- Track recorded by live GPS function.
- Edit name, colour, notes, track format etc associated with user features.
- Manage user features in bulk.
- Export user features to file.
- View profile graphs of track features.
- If online view user features on Google Earth.
Additional features only on the Android version
- Use windows desktop software to exchange user features directly with device via USB OTG cable (supported by Freshmap V21 onwards at present).
- Exchange tracks and waypoints with a Garmin GPS via OTG cable.
- Exchange tracks and waypoints with another android device via offline wireless sharing.